Welcome the Future of the New Age

Welcome the Future of the New Age:

How the Metaverse will Influence New Ways We Connect Digitally

GROWTH Community Contributor

Deedra Mills-Hall


Paradigms of the Pandemic

During the height of the pandemic, the world as we know it was changing rapidly, as our lives came to a halt and the way we interacted with others day-to-day shifted to a more virtual environment.

At this time, a new digital universe was emerging, as it was almost mandatory for most traditional organizations to be flexible in their standard business models and become more virtually accommodating to sustain their operations, save costs, and keep their stakeholders safe.

The emersion of Ghost Kitchens revolutionized the way we dine through limited contact to reduce the spread of the coronavirus when most restaurants across the U.S. were forced to close their doors. Achieving a Ghost Kitchen experience is easy and is accessible in-person through a take-out option based on your geographic location or through a delivery application service such as Grub Hub, Door Dash, Uber Eats, etc.

Emergence of Meta

Most of us became aware of Facebook’s transition into “Meta” after a viral video from Facebook Connect’s 2021 Virtual Forum that took the internet by storm. The video depicted Mark Zuckerberg sharing his insights on the evolution of the internet and how Meta would influence the new ways we connect digitally through the development of a socially immersive technology called the Metaverse.

Did you Know?

The term Metaverse originated from a science fiction novel called Snow Crash, describing a 3D virtual world, written by best-selling sci-fi author Neal Stephenson. What was once fiction over 30 years ago is now our reality.

Image by Kanishka Sarkar via CNBC TV 18 (Link: https://www.cnbctv18.com/)


What is the Metaverse?

The Metaverse is essentially a network of 3D virtual worlds tailored to enhance and improve social interaction in the virtual space. It is where the internet and cryptocurrency meet augmented, virtual and mixed reality.

The Metaverse is on the verge of transforming the way we work, connect, engage, interact, game, entertain, conduct commerce, and maintain a fit lifestyle.

Accessing the Metaverse

Fast forward to 2022, the long-awaited release of the Metaverse is over, as you can now access this technology through several devices and platforms.

Let us know your thoughts on the Metaverse and other emerging technologies revolutionizing our lives.


Deedra Mills-Hall is the Apprenticeship Program Coordinator for Tourism Diversity Matters.

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